In the third installment of GRR’s groundbreaking miniseries , Jack “The Agnostic” Garcia trucks on down to the groovy 1970s , a time when science fiction begins to view things from a variety of perspectives. And the genres particular affinity with feminism becomes clearer with the publication of some challenging works. First off, its the gifted and wise , Ursula K Le Guin , hose mind was dominated by poetry and myth. her stories are like literary landmines that explode in your mind while reading them. The master storyteller made gender analysis and gender consciousness a legitimate topic for science fiction. Then its Joanna Russ, whose smart , tough and female space trucker/ mercenary (Alyx) becomes the model for countless successors and has a liberating effect on later writers and dreamers. Her inventive , electric , experimental , biting and beautifully constructed prose are essentially a science fiction assault on our male dominated world.