In the season #15 premiere, Jack “The Agnostic” Garcia examines The Theater of The Absurd, a philosophical and dramtic movement that flourished between the late 1920’s to the mid 1970’s and viewed the universe as an indecipherable and mysterious place – a place ripe with comic and tragic possibilities. Playwrights who challanged the conventions of modern drama include – 1 Luigi Pirandello – a quasi-illusionist who questioned the nature of identity and the relativity of truth. 2- Friedrich Durrenmatt – Whose works fall into the realm of grotesque , black comedy. 3- Samuel Beckett – Whose plays are overflowing with allusions to literature , philosophy and theology. 4- And last but not least – Jean Genet – who transformed the obscene and erotic into his own unique poetic and anarchistic vision of the universe.