God Rock Radio # 203 – Hong Kong Horror Films Part 2 (1959-1984)


In part 2 lover of genre movies, Jack “The Agnostic” Garcia examines the development of the horror film industry in Southeast Asia during the post World War 2, post colonialism era. As Hong Kong cinematic influences and financial investment penetrate into Malaysia , Thailand , India and The Phillipines.  Igniting young indigenous filmmakers who combine westernized genre traditions and themes with native superstitions , spirituality , myths and legends into a viable commercial formula. Next up, its the New Wave of Hong Kong filmmakers whose work featured a more sophisticated visual style , technical competence , extreme choreographed violence , sensationalism and a more westernized consciousness.   Directors like – Tsui Hark – whose forays into horror cinema combined action scenes , deliberately anarchistic shocking violence with grotesque elements of poetic horror and darkly comic sensability.   And The Shaw Bros. steadiest contract director – Gui Zhihong – whose erratic and gory thrillers mixed horror with magical , spiritual and  folkloric elements into box office gold (again and again). And last but not least its – Movies, Movies, Movies – as Jack provides descriptive analysis on a slew of Hong Kong New Wave era horror films – from obscure gems that have seldom been seen in the West , to the better known and loved cult classics that have devoted followings all over the world.

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