In the third installment of GRR’s ground breaking mini series , Jack “The Agnostic” Garcia digs deeply into the biblical, historical and archaeological record and attempts to unravel the mysterious origins of Yahweh – The God of Israel. First up, its the mysterious Midianites, Kenites and Rechabites – nomadic tribal groups of the Negev desert rooted in ancient pastoralic traditions and connected to another via metallurgy and Mount Sinai. They may have helped Moses bring Yahweh to the Israelites in Egypt . Then its the rock shrines , sanctuaries and tombs of the desert nomads filled with loads of spiritual graffiti , inscriptions and carvings that provide clues to their rites and rituals, ancient ceremonies that may have opened a desert doorway to the divine. Next up, its some of the historical references to Yahweh, from a variety of cultures, dating from the 14th century BC to the 9th century BC . Lines written in stone and metal that connect Yahweh to the desert nomads and also give details about the struggle between the kingdoms of the bible for military and economic supremacy. Then its Yahweh as portrayed in the literary imagery of The Old Testament . An astral God who presides over a celestial court of lesser astral deities and is king of the universe. The divine force that causes all things to come into being. A divine warrior who slays monsters of chaos as a prelude to creation. Literary imagery that has a striking resemblance to Mesopotamian and Canaanite religion and mythology. And last but not least – Jack chronicles the evolution and development of Yahweh as portrayed via the divine rantings and ravings of The Old Testament prophets.