In the third installment of the highly praised, epic mini series Jack “The Agnostic” Garcia examines the lives, legends and legacies of two more great intellects from the Age of Reason, Denis Diderot and Catherine The Great. First off its Diderot – the true organizing genius of The Enlightenment who managed to unite scores of the most radical and rebellious intellectuals of the era in the creation of the most characteristic product of the Age of Reason , the 35 folio volume encyclopedia. To Diderot education was the pathway to the divine, and when you improved your mind – you also improved your soul. Next – its Catherine The Great, Empress of the Russian Empire , who with the help of the powerful Eastern Orthodox church – deposes her husband , the mad Peter 3rd, then rules Russia successfully for 34 years. An intelligent , ambitious, energetic and sexually aggressive woman , Catherine’s long reign would be a type of battle between the ideals of The Enlightenment and the social, economic and political realities of the vast Russian Empire. An empire that was built on the foundation of ignorance, fear , violence and the oppression of its people.
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