In the second installment of GRR’s groundbreaking three part series on the Age of Reason, Jack “The Agnostic” Garcia examines the lives, legends and literary legacies of the philosophers and satirists Montesquieu and Jean Jacques Rosseau. First its the high born Montesquieu who with his classic – Persian Letters, lampooned sexuality, the Catholic church, the Pope and the French monarchy. His magnum opus , The Spirit of The Law , profoundly influenced European and American political thought , to Montesquieu – the divine was to be found within a type of cross cultural , universal law – a natural law given to us by God that defended the rights of all humanity. Next up, its Jean Jacques Rosseau, who was a composer of music as well as a writer on economics , philosophy and spirituality. To Rousseau , humanity had been corrupted by society and civilization and the pathway to the divine was to be found within the voluptuousness of nature. A type of intoxication of the soul that set the spirit free and brought it closer to God.
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