In the milestone 150th GRR program, Jack “The Agnostic” Garcia a noted expert folklorist and mythologist continues his in depth study of the lives and literary works of Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. In part 2 of 3, Jack examines The Brothers Grimm endless struggles with extreme poverty, social and class prejudices and their involvement in radical socialist politics- a dangerous activity within a feudal minded and aristocratically ruled Germany – a divided nation made up of over 200 petty kingdoms. During an amazing almost 50 year cycle , The Brothers (working alone and together) wrote and published many influential and far reaching texts , not only in folklore but also on a great variety of scholarly subjects – becoming living legends in the process. Jack also plays storyteller and recites the uncut and adult versions of 2 Grimm Fairy Tales – Little Red Riding Hood AKA -Little Red Cap – a cautionary tale filled with sexual innuendo and lurid violence that was once told to young girls as they entered womanhood . The Devil’s Smelly Brother – a variation on the Faust Legend that is virtually unknown, outside of the Bavarian Forests of Germany.
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